3 Tips when running errands with your kids

Think back to the last outing with your kids. Most likely you won’t have to think back too far. How did it go? Were your kids cooperative? Was it an enjoyable experience? Did you give your child a screen to “keep them busy” while you ran your errands? If you typically give your child a…

Think back to the last outing with your kids. Most likely you won’t have to think back too far. How did it go? Were your kids cooperative? Was it an enjoyable experience? Did you give your child a screen to “keep them busy” while you ran your errands?

If you typically give your child a device when you need them to behave, then I have something exciting to share with you.

You don’t have to rely on a screen any longer.

I think most of us would agree that we rely on a device for a few reasons. First of all, EVERYONE DOES IT (so it must be ok), it’s easy (when we remember to keep it charged), our kids are quiet and stay out of our hair (hallelujah), we tell ourselves “it’s educational”, and quite frankly we don’t know what else to do that works as great as a screen.

Here are my top 3 Tips for Running Screen Free Errands:

  1. Be mindful of when you intend to head out the door with your little humans. Is it close to their naptime? Are they going to be hungry as soon as you get to the appointment? Have they had opportunities for movement? Are you pushing the envelope with that last errand? Sometimes it can be tricky to adjust our schedules to our children, but asking ourselves some simple questions can help set us up for success. Sitting & waiting is not a preferred activity for little kids. They inherently love to explore the world through movement. Be sure your kids have had time to get their wiggles out before buckling up for an outing.
  2. Behavior of any kind equals communication. Maybe you’ve heard that before but you aren’t quite sure of what it means. Until our children are able to verbally express their feelings, the behaviors they display will be their method of communication. Here’s an example…If your 16 month old has been sitting eating/waiting for a while and then begins to throw their spoon, make a mess, or become a little irritable, that is their way of saying “Hey mommy or daddy, I’m all done”! Remembering tip #1, being mindful of when you are out running errands, when your child begins to exhibit behaviors you don’t prefer, understanding that they are communicating something to you can be a game-changer.
  3. Be prepared. If you’ve ever attempted to go on a diet, begin a new workout regimen, or implement a new habit, you know that being prepared and setting up systems to help you be successful is critical. The same is true for leaving the house. I know firsthand that it takes a little extra on our part to do the “preparing”. It’s “just one more thing” to do, and to top it off you have no clue what to do or what to give your kids to keep them engaged. Hence, out comes the cell phone or device.

This post wouldn’t be complete without giving you 3 alternatives to a device.

I will always recommend books. Try having touch-and-feel books, board books, and picture books for variety. Another option would be to allow your child to pick out a few of their toys; maybe a stuffie or special blankie. Finally, you can purchase my Screen Free Errand Guide. It’s an extensive guide that will leave you feeling empowered and happy because your kids will no longer be on a screen when you are out and about.